It's Here!
Finally, a book to help families find the right technology to accommodate reading disorders (dyslexia) and other disabilties!
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Can a pencil grip be viewed as assistive technology? Can a book about accessing technology be viewed as assistive technology? Can a research approach and methodology be made accessible to individuals and families? Tech Psychologist’s Guide™ to Technology and Access Tools integrates technology information geared to individuals and parents as well as teachers. It explores the traditional special education system and goes beyond, to guide families raising children as motivated, knowledgeable, and contributing members of society. This book asks whether what we’re asking the student to do is developmentally appropriate, that is, does the student have the same opportunities to learn as his peers in a manner to allow dignity and future growth? This guide is the first book to bring technology tools and strategies to students and their parents as well as educators. Since accessing and acquiring knowledge in school is a major barrier for those with disabilities, this book features technology strategies for curricula and an approach to making learning accessible for students with a wide range of disabilities. Beckman’s emphasis on using practical tools combined with the DIMS Approach™ helps families bring about educational changes by asking the question, Does It Make Sense?
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